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National Centre for Bio-Renewable Energy (NNFCC) studies onsite AD performance: sites for Muckbuster™

UK`s National Centre for Bio-Renewable Energy, Fuels and Materials (NNFCC), has a clear vision on what needs to happen for anaerobic digestion to become the main source of renewable energy in future in the UK.

With growth in onsite organic waste processing plants, the NNFCC has done studies into their feasibility. The results show that the performance of onsite plants, such as Muckbuster™, can be enhanced by combining various feedstocks.

One of the NNFCC research authors, Lucy Hopwood, says “If energy output is the main policy driver for AD, then higher incentives are needed to optimise economic returns and maximise energy output.”

To read more: www.nnfcc.co.uk/tools/farm-scale-anaerobic-digestion-plant-efficiency-nnfcc-11-015

By |2011-06-14T11:36:17+01:00June 14th, 2011|Muckbuster, News|

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