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How Much Are Your Food Scraps Worth?

SEaB Energy has launched its new generation Flexibuster™ micro power plants that convert food scraps into valuable energy, with guest of honour, Caroline Nokes MP, Member of Parliament for Romsey and Southampton North, opening the site on the 10th April 2015.

Caroline Nokes MP and Sandra Sassow resized

SEaB Energy’s new Flexibuster™ – the first model built in co-operation with UK manufacturing partner, G3 Systems – marks a big leap forward in performance and usability that will offer even greater sustainability benefits to businesses with waste. The patented system turns food and organic waste into heat, electricity, water and fertiliser, all of which can be re-used on site.

Speaking at the launch, Sandra Sassow, CEO of SEaB Energy, said, “The launch of this new generation of product is a major landmark in the development of our company. We have taken a conceptual idea through to commercialisation and now we’re beginning to mass produce in order to meet the demand. With rapid urbanisation in emerging and developing markets worldwide, solutions for radical new approaches to distributed power generation and localised waste disposal are key.  Flexibuster™ is the game changing waste and energy solution for Future Cities worldwide”.

The new Flexibuster™ is now housed in a compact 20 foot container making it easier for customers to site. SEaB Energy has also boosted the performance of the unit further by lowering the parasitic load and increasing the efficiency of the anaerobic digestion. The system configuration has also been markedly simplified to allow for plug and play installation and reduced footprint.

NEW Flexibuster cropped

The launch event, held at SEaB Energy’s offices at the University of Southampton Science Park, was attended by the company’s customers, partners and distributors and included representatives from Southampton General Hospital, G3 Systems,  Feed Worldwide, Chase Global, Port Pods Ltd, J&S Franklin and the University of Southampton Science Park.

The company also announced the appointment of two new distributors for France and Northern Ireland, which extends its reach now to cover the major markets in both Europe and the Americas.

By |2017-06-01T13:42:45+01:00April 14th, 2015|News|

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