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Continente First Hypermarket To Transform Waste Into Energy | ESM Magazine

Portugal’s Continente has become the first hypermarket in the world to implement a pilot project that can transform organic waste from one of its stores into energy and fertiliser. The Waste 2 Energy compact solution has been installed in the Continente GaiaShopping store and represents an integrated solution that aims to boost the circular economy [...]

By |2016-07-06T16:56:32+01:00June 16th, 2016|News|

SEaB Energy deploys its ‘Power in a box’ technology

SEaB Energy deploys its ‘Power in a box’ technology at Portuguese supermarket leader Modelo Continente | WEConnect Europe Source: SEaB Energy deploys its ‘Power in a box’ technology at Portuguese supermarket leader Modelo Continente | WEConnect Europe

By |2016-06-16T14:04:09+01:00June 16th, 2016|News|

Portuguese supermarket devours food waste challenge with SEaB Energy on-site AD system

The “Flexibuster” waste-to-energy plant will convert around 600kg of inedible waste food from the supermarket into green gas and fertiliser Source: Portuguese supermarket devours food waste challenge with SEaB Energy on-site AD system

By |2016-06-16T14:04:39+01:00June 16th, 2016|News|

Sonae aproveita lixo orgânico para produzir eletricidade para um hipermercado

A Sonae vai aproveitar os resíduos orgânicos do seu hipermercado de Gaia, resultantes de desperdício de fruta ou carne, por exemplo, para produzir eletricidade que será consumida na mesma loja, disse hoje um responsável. Source: Sonae aproveita lixo orgânico para produzir eletricidade para um hipermercado - Açoriano Oriental

By |2016-06-16T14:04:30+01:00June 9th, 2016|News|

Sonae aproveita lixo orgânico e produz electricidade para um hipermercado | Económico

Os responsáveis da Sonae acreditam que este é um projecto pioneiro, pelo menos na Europa, e nesta fase recebeu um investimento de cerca de 200 mil euros. Source: Sonae aproveita lixo orgânico e produz electricidade para um hipermercado | Económico

By |2016-06-09T11:28:18+01:00June 9th, 2016|News|

SEaB Energy technology at Portuguese supermarket ‘Continente’

SEaB Energy, one of the UK’s brightest innovators of waste to energy technology, has fully implemented its containerised power plant at a hypermarket owned by Portugal’s largest retailer. This is the first time that an anaerobic digestion system, that converts inedible food waste to energy, has been installed at a supermarket site anywhere in Portugal. [...]

By |2017-06-01T13:42:39+01:00June 9th, 2016|Events|