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SEaB in the News: Interview with our CEO | LAUNCH

SEaB Energy Can Turn Waste to Electricity in Your Backyard | LAUNCH

In 2012 Sandra Sassow participated in LAUNCH’s Beyond Waste cycle on behalf of her company, SEaB Energy

Sandra + SEaB GilletRight now, SEaB is in the middle of a push to be noticed by Virgin Media Business in VOOM 2016, a contest for UK and Irish innovators to win a chance to pitch to Virgin’s Richard Branson for funding. Check out Sassow’s pitch, and give SEaB your vote by May 23, 2016.

Sassow says what inspired her is when she sees waste being tipped into a SEaB unit and she can look to see how much energy that waste is creating being pumped back into the grid. She says “the potential to be involved in a cutting-edge technology that turns a problem into a universal solution is what does it for me”.

LAUNCH is a global initiative to identify and support the innovative work poised to contribute to a sustainable future and accelerate solutions to meet urgent challenges facing our society.

Read the full interview here: http://www.launch.org/about/news/seab-energy-can-turn-waste-to-electricity-in-your-backyard

By |2017-06-01T13:42:40+01:00May 19th, 2016|News|

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