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SEaB Energy’s MUCKBUSTER® is Centrepiece for 6 University Teams Entering Dynamo 2012

SOUTHAMPTON, UK: SEaB Energy (SEaB), the global market leader in on-site containerised anaerobic digestion is providing the technology content and business challenge to entrepreneurial students from universities in the South UK who are preparing to take part in a competition to hone their business skills and promote eco-friendly energy production. Sixty students from 6 universities will compete in this year’s Dynamo Enterprise Challenge 2012, sponsored by the University of Southampton Science Park and WSX Enterprise – Fusion.

Rosalind Davies from Career Destinations at the University of Southampton is organising the event in collaboration with local partner universities, says: “This is an opportunity for students to demonstrate their skills in business and enterprise and gain valuable experience to show potential employers what they can achieve.”

The teams of young people from the universities of Bournemouth, Chichester, Portsmouth, Southampton, Southampton Solent and Winchester will be provided a set of challenges by SEaB to devise routes to market and compelling market propositions. Special emphasis will be in new ways to work with social media and the global “consumer empowerment” possibilities for recycling their food waste. Also the market disruption for transportation as the shift goes to a decentralised processing of organic waste and the elimination of the current carbon footprint for centralised organic waste disposal will be included. Presentations will feature MUCKBUSTER® the on-site containerised anaerobic digestion solution – which turns manures, food and other organic waste into biogas, electricity, heat and high-grade organic fertiliser.

Sandra Sassow, CEO at SEaB, comments: “MUCKBUSTER® is a game changing technology in waste management and decentralised green energy generation. It offers great customer benefits and huge export potential. We are really looking forward to seeing how the students would want to apply this technology in fresh and compelling ways.”

The students will also hear from guest speakers with expertise in entrepreneurship, marketing and business start-up. Peter Birkett, Chief Executive of the University of Southampton Science Park, adds: “The Science Park is all about enterprise and growing business. By hosting this event, we hope to enthuse and inspire a new generation of talent and perhaps meet some of the business leaders of the future.”

This year’s Dynamo Enterprise Challenge, an annual inter-university enterprise competition, will be hosted at the University of Southampton Science Park in Chilworth on Wednesday 14 November 2012, during Global Entrepreneurship Week (12-18 November).

By |2016-08-03T08:35:50+01:00November 14th, 2012|News|

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