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SEaB Energy targets port waste

UK-based SEaB Energy is encouraging sustainable operations with its patented technology that turns waste into energy, and is looking to target the ports sector next.

The Flexibuster, a self-contained anaerobic digester, is designed to process food and organic waste. Developed by the company five years ago, it is manufactured by them and delivered as a ‘plug-and-play’ unit.

Sandra Sassow, CEO of SEaB Energy told GreenPort: “We have a background in the renewable energy sector and the idea came about when, after looking at major issues in the market, we realised there was nothing decentralised in the waste sector.”

The technology converts what used to be waste into biogas, which is then used to generate electricity and heat. In addition, Flexibuster also provides a source of organic fertiliser income and a reduction in waste disposal cost.


“Our main opportunities right now are in airports, hospitals and supermarkets, but we’ve set up a new team to focus on opening up new opportunities, like the ports sector, where there’s general waste but also waste from the ships,” Ms Sassow told GP.

Using the Flexibuster results in a power output of 55 Mwh (megawatt hour) and 131 Mwh of heat based on 365 tonnes of waste a year. Or, it can all be produced as heat, which based on the same amount of waste, produces 240 Mwh of heat.

To help the company commercialise the product, the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) recently selected SEaB Energy for its RBH Innovation Gateway – a programme set to help RBS save more energy, water and waste, to nurture new innovations and to help local inventors take their ideas to market.

SEaB Energy’s will now trial the Flexibuster, which has won awards in the past, on the RBS estate in conjunction with the banking giant’s partners Carillion, BaxterStory and the University of Cambridge.

“We are thrilled to be one of a small number of companies selected for this prestigious programme and will undoubtedly help us accelerate our growth both in the UK and abroad,” Ms Sassow added.

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By |2017-06-01T13:42:47+01:00February 2nd, 2015|News, United Kingdom|

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