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Horticulture Week – Solent Turf impressed with digestate as chemical fertiliser replacement for Turf

Solent Turf’s successful trial of our digestate as fertiliser has been reported by Horticulture Week.

The trial is of huge interest as digestate is still a relatively new source of alternative fertiliser. Robert Hack, owner and managing director of Solent Turf said “Given its performance, and the fact that the digestate is 100 per cent organic, we believe that that a wide range of growers will place increasing value on this natural feedstock.”

To see the article please visit: http://www.hortweek.com/news/1282935/Solent-Turf-Supplies-demonstrates-impressive-turf-growing-results-liquid-digestate/

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By |2017-06-01T13:42:55+01:00March 4th, 2014|News, United Kingdom|

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