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Golf and a Small Anaerobic Digester – Can the sport reduce its carbon footprint by converting waste-to-energy on-site?

Golf course associations and golf clubs around the world are looking at ways to improve the sport’s environmental criteria.  Sustainable developments and low carbon footprint operations are the name of the game.  As golf courses use fertiliser for the courses, power for the maintenance machinery, and power for the golf carts, there are many areas where sustainability of the sport can be addressed.  In addition, most golf courses have clubhouses associated with them.  These clubhouses, in turn, serve food and beverages, and produce food waste.

A small-scale anaerobic plant can serve as an onsite solution to the environmental goals.  MuckBuster™, our containerised waste-to-energy solution, offers a combined unit, built in a shipping container, which can take both the grounds waste and the food waste, and convert it into biogas, fertiliser and mulch.  The half a metric tonne of daily waste processing capacity, lends itself to the golfing world.  The resulting biogas can be converted into electricity using a CHP (combined heat and power) unit, to power the grounds equipment, golf carts, and clubhouse.  The fertiliser is a welcome by product, further cutting the cost of course upkeep, and reducing the carbon footprint of the operation.

By moving from a business model involving waste collection, fertiliser purchasing, and energy sourcing, to on-site, decentralised, small-scale anaerobic digestion, the golfing industry can dramatically improve its Green credentials and of course, while reducing the cost of running the golf course.

The MuckBuster™ comes ready to operate, takes up minimal space, and is operator friendly.  Just use it as you would your normal waste disposal unit….with a few extra steps, to you collect your ‘free’ fertiliser and mulch.

By |2011-03-14T16:13:57+00:00March 14th, 2011|News|

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