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Dynamo winner says: “The MUCKBUSTER® is the future of energy, turning waste in to power!”

18th December 2012 – For immediate release:

Enterprise Dynamo Bootcamp winner Jon Akass says: MUCKBUSTER® is the future of energy, turning waste into power!”

Having been a participant in the winning team at Enterprise Dynamo Bootcamp 2012 at the University of Southampton Science Park, during Global Entrepreneurship Week 12-18th November 2012 http://www.gew.org.uk/events/dynamo_bootcamp, the prize was a work experience placement for Jon Akass at SEaB Energy, producers of the ® on-site containerised anaerobic digestion solution. It was a glimpse into the future of renewable energy where our organic waste gets converted back into energy in a financially and environmentally beneficial solution.

MUCKBUSTER® units take manures, food and other organic wastes and breaks them down into biogas, which can then produce electricity and heat. The by-products are liquid fertiliser and mulch, turning waste into a variety of crucial products. With each unit capable of taking between 0.5 to 2.5 tonnes of waste per day and packaged inside a standard shipping container, the small size and ultra portability of the units makes them incredibly versatile.

“At the University of Southampton, http://www.southampton.ac.uk/, I have been heavily involved in Enactus, http://enactus.org/, a social enterprise society for students with over 60,000 members worldwide,” Jon goes on to say. “Each participating University creates a variety of projects to empower the people that we are reaching out to. Southampton has been voted the number one team in the UK for two years running and placed in the semi finals at the World tournament this year. The SEaB Energy units are exactly what we have been looking for to take us to the next level with our farming project based in rural Sierra Leone.”

Deploying a MUCKBUSTER® unit to rural communities provides them with a self-generating supply of power. The communities can place all of their organic waste, including septic waste, into the unit. MUCKBUSTER® produces power, using the fertiliser to feed their crops to increase the yield and save money on buying commercial fertiliser. Additionally, MUCKBUSTER® can be moved around at short notice and can be taken to disaster sites for emergency power and be set up and ready to use in a matters of hours.

MUCKBUSTER® is the future of remote power generation in many parts of the world. Natural resources are running out and polluting the environment at a scary rate, whilst the World continues to demand more power. Micro energy production can start to relieve a lot of the strain. It is never too late to start diverting the energy being dumped into landfill sites. It is only a matter of time before the recovery of organic waste becomes standard practice in every country”.

By |2017-06-01T13:43:12+01:00December 17th, 2012|News|

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