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Continente First Hypermarket To Transform Waste Into Energy | ESM Magazine

Portugal’s Continente has become the first hypermarket in the world to implement a pilot project that can transform organic waste from one of its stores into energy and fertiliser.

The Waste 2 Energy compact solution has been installed in the Continente GaiaShopping store and represents an integrated solution that aims to boost the circular economy in the retail chain, through the recovery of waste consisting of organic materials.

The equipment is distributed in modules installed in standard containers, in the GaiaShopping service park. The treatment unit capacity is set to the average of organic matter produced by a large supermarket, but can be increased by adding identical modules.

Besides the production of energy and fertiliser, the unit enables the treatment of waste at the production site, avoiding transport and the corresponding emissions of air pollutants.

Source: Continente First Hypermarket To Transform Waste Into Energy | ESM Magazine

By |2016-07-06T16:56:32+01:00June 16th, 2016|News|

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