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Cleantech forum EUROPE

SEaB Energy CEO Presenting at:

Cleantech Forum Europe, April 16-18, 2012 at The Sofitel Munich, will bring together leading European and international cleantech corporations, investors, innovators, government and regional officials and service providers for the continent’s most important cleantech event of the year.

More information on the agenda, other speakers, and theme can be found here: http://events.cleantech.com/munich/agenda

To receive special pricing, be sure to enter the discount code Forum-Speaker when you register at http://bit.ly/xWXm1q and save $300.

The global Cleantech Forum series comes to Europe in 2012 for the 8th year running.  And for the first time it will take place in Bavaria – the geographical centre of Europe, globally-renowned for its technical expertise and research and engineering skills, home to industrial giants such as Audi, BMW, Linde and Siemens; and in Germany, such a central actor in how the single currency drama unfolds.

By |2017-06-01T13:43:18+01:00March 31st, 2012|Events|

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