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CEO Sandra Sassow is at COP26 UKRI panel discussion on the importance of diversity in innovation for tackling climate change.

The importance of diversity in innovation for tackling climate change.

SEaB Energy CEO Sandra Sassow will be attending COP26 as part of UKRI. Join us virtually or in person at COP26 at the Innovate UK panel discussion on “the importance of diversity in innovation for tackling climate change”, where sandra will be speaking about her experiences as a woman in the waste management sector.

The event will happen from 13:00 – 14:00 GMT, Tuesday 9 November, at the Ramshorn Theatre, University of Strathclyde.

Yewande Akinola will be hosting a lively and inspiring all female panel of successful innovators. They will discuss the opportunities and benefits from diverse teams and women-led innovations, including an exploration of challenges that women face in innovation both in the UK and globally. Sandra Sassow is one of the confirmed panellists, alongside Dr Emma Fieldhouse (Future We Want), Dr Ruby Pillai (iWarranty), Priya Prakash (Design for Change) and Sophie Walker (Dsposal).

The event will be live streamed, and you can register to attend here.

See you there!

By |2022-01-04T09:24:13+00:00November 8th, 2021|Events, News, Thought Leadership|

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