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All – Energy 2009 in Aberdeen Scotland

Sandra Sassow, our Marketing Director, attended All-Energy and gathered a great deal of information on the Scottish Rural Development Program. Links to the grant information have been added to the website.

Scotland has committed to providing 50% of their energy needs from renewable sources by 2020. To this end, the SRDP has refined the grant process. SRDP funding for 2007-13 is £624M RDC-LMO/RP. Scotland is divided into 11 areas each with its own process. The process is all online for the application. RDC-RP – has no ceiling, where as RE is divided into 4 subsets: Agriculture – £14M allocated, Forestry, Non-Land Based £18M, Diversification our of Agriculture £31M. See the link to determine eligibility, but broadly it is 50% grant for LFA, 40% grant for NLFA, and extra 10% on top of either amount for young farmer category.

For the RE – Agriculture, you must be registered with the department. You must use 51% of the energy you produce up to 250Kw. You will need two quotes. There is no ceiling on the amount of grant for AD (anaerobic digestion) and small wind turbine installations.

For the RE – Diversification out of Agriculture up to 250 Kw, you must sell all the energy produced. The farmer and his family members are eligible for this grant.

By |2009-05-27T11:51:52+01:00May 27th, 2009|News|

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